Development Services.

01. Web Development

02. App Development

03. Sass Development

04. Ecom Solutions

05. Instagram Filters

06. UX/UI Development

07. Custom Development

08. Maintenance & Support

01. Web Development

Your website is your online storefront. Putting your URL in Google is the first thing people do when they hear about your brand. That’s why you need to grab your consumers and prevent them from hitting the back button and finally finding your competitors. There are millions of companies offering the same to their customers. Give them a reason to choose you. From website design to website hosting, Skitmedia manages everything. If your website is out of date, let us help you fix that and give you a makeover.


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02. App Development

We offer a full cycle of application design, integration and management services. Whether it’s a consumer app or an innovative enterprise-class solution, the company guides the entire mobile app development process from ideas and concepts to delivery and ongoing support. Whether you’re looking to create a mobile application for smartphones, tablets or both, Skitmedia covers your business regardless of the platform you build or the device you use.

The Process


03. Sass Development

We offer An end-to-end approach to SaaS development. Our service implements all the components needed for a successful SaaS solution: mobile apps, web apps, cloud hosting, APIs, efficient data storage. Our SaaS development team follows the latest software development practices to ensure product safety and quality while delivering SaaS products as quickly as possible. After the release of the SaaS product, new features of the project will be developed to maintain the entire SaaS application.

Sass Services

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04. Ecom Solution

In e-commerce, competition is fierce. The offer is short-lived and transparent to the user. Therefore, website operators are constantly faced with the challenge of observing the market and constantly creating unique content with added value to their users on new product pages. Doing so gives you a competitive advantage while still being visible to search engines and users. We look forward to supporting you on the road to success with our solutions to optimize your store and each of your websites.

The Deliverables

05. Instagram Filters

Since 2019, Facebook and Instagram have provided businesses with the opportunity to create their own AR filters for story features. Whether it’s a recognition campaign or an e-commerce campaign, AR effects bring endless marketing potential to any business. With Skitmedia you can get your own AR filter and Use them to increase reach and sales. Added value to customers is a priority. We subtly integrate your brand message. Viral effects are created by displaying the filter name and brand account each time the user views an AR filter in the story. You can also share filters with just a tap. Custom AR filters allow users to virtually experience beauty and fashion products. In the future, it should be possible to add products to Instagram’s shopping cart.


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06. UI/UX Development

Discover innovative digital experiences by offering a blend of technology, creativity and personalization in UI and UX development services. We design compelling user experiences that have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, brand equity and conversions. Knowledge and experience in UX research and design using the best tools, technologies and services has carved out a success curve in many ways. A team of experienced creative designers understand the design concept and provide stunning UI and UX design for strategic business growth.


07. Custom Development

Transform your business into a software-first company with a custom software design and development approach. Leverage industry-specific technology expertise to deliver scalable, flexible, and interoperable web, mobile, desktop, and hybrid applications. OurAgile End-to-End Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) approach covers everything from conceptualization to simultaneous front-end and back-end coding, delivery, and quality assurance.

Custom Software Types

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08. Maintenance & Support

IT and software application development goes through the process of planning, building, testing, and deploying information systems, also known as the software development life cycle. Maintenance is the result of changes and implementations of new strategies to support evolving customer expectations, struggle to survive in existing markets, technological improvements, sustainability and maintain ambition. We Help companies reach their application portfolio efficiently through customizable solutions. Skitmedia leverages proven delivery practices and industry-leading practices to build, modify, and operate business and cross-functional IT solutions to deliver transformational value to our customers.


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