Branding Services.

01. Discovery Session

02. Market Research

03. Brand Strategy

04. Brand Naming

05. Brand Identity Design

06. Competitor Research

07. Stationery Design

08. Marketing Materials

01. Discovery Session

Skitmedia holds discovery sessions with each and every new client. It helps us better understand the goals of your company and your branding project. You can also make sure that the entire team participates in the discovery session and that everyone is on the same page as the project. First, we will conduct a branding survey created for our clients. This will help clarify the project at hand. Agreeing on goals, strategies, and market paths at the roundtable is a solid foundation for any project, so we place a great deal of emphasis on these sessions.

It also allows us to get in touch with the markets and competitors you are dealing with. We also talk about the ideal customer and build the ideal customer persona in the process. This helps keep the laser focus on the project. Towards the end of the session, when the business side of things is done, we’ll look at the visual style. This will help you identify which type of brand identity may or may not work for you. It is important to “put” everyone in one room, either virtually or directly. Completing the discovery session gives everyone a common understanding of the task at hand.

Who Needs a Discovery Session?

Everyone. You just can’t skimp on this stage at all. Without it, you’re doomed. The Discovery Session helps loop everyone in, and makes sure everyone understands the project.

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02. Market Research

Market research is conducted at two levels and provides a macro view of the market in which you are doing business. Imagine you were in the package snack business. In the marketplace research for a packaged snacks company, we’d be looking at: What works, What doesn’t, Region of business – what’s popular, Who’s competing, and what performs? It is important to gather insights at both industry and geographic levels. You can then contact prospects to gain insights into their preferences and behavior. This type of market research helps you make decisions later in the branding process.

Who Needs Help with Marketplace Research?

Small business and above. It is always good to have an idea of ​​the market you are entering. But a completely comprehensive report can be booked for large companies.

03. Brand Startegy

To be successful, companies need to develop a branding strategy.
A defined action plan that guides you and your team where they want to go and how to get there. Without a branding strategy,you’re setting your business up to fight in a lose lose situation.
Ultimately, what do you want your brand to look like and function? And how do you and your team plan to get there? Your brand strategy determines how you want your company’s customer experience from start to finish, and how things work for your brand in the process. If your goal is to build a very strong brand and you don’t need to tell who you are because your potential customers already know, then setting up a solid branding strategy, should be the main focus. Your Brand Strategy is a framework that your entire company embodies. You can’t go far without your framework.

Our Methodology

The Deliverables

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04. Brand Naming

Every company needs to have a story behind thier Brand Mark. This helps build brand image and value, which creates loyal customers who believe in your product and support your vision. Nothing forms more direct brand awareness than the name. A good brand name can appear at the moment of inspiration or it can be the result of constant search. For a new brand or an established brand trying to reposition itself, that first impression can mean a difference in interest, indifference, engagement or rejection.

Our Methodology

What do names mean to customers?

The one thing to note is that changing brand name and subsequent changes in customer expectations is a clear pattern in research. One study found that “when customers see a brand-name change, they expect radically new features.”

05. Brand Identity Design

Every business needs to design a brand identity to generate recognition from both potential and existing customers. Think about the Apple Store. First of all, there are clear, clean ads that will captivate you. If you go to the store from there, you will find the same cleanliness and quality appearance. Inside the store, the Apple logo is displayed on the walls and employee T-shirts. Then you get to the products, and they look great, but familiar. There is something consistent about the whole experience. By using a consistent visual language for all your brand’s touchpoints, you can give your customers the opportunity to know you. Branding isn’t just about the visual elements that people associate with your business. This is the design of your brand identity. It should always be treated professionally, as your brand identity gives people an easy way to identify you.


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06. Competitor Research

From the smallest owner-controlled businesses to the world’s giants, everyone needs to know what they are against in order to succeed. Branding is much deeper than creating pretty graphics. Competitive research is an important step in a branding project. It helps to understand “land placement” before deciding exactly where to put the tent. When conducting a competitive survey, we consider the following: Who are your competitors? What are they good at? What are they not good at? How do your clients view them? What do you offer compared to them? Why would people choose you over them? Having valuable information as such makes us take informed decisions and reverse engineer your brand to success

Who Needs Competitor Research?

The smallest owner-controlled businesses to the world’s giants, everyone needs to know what they are against in order to succeed.

07. Stationery Design

A business that is meticulous in its attention to detail will never pass up an opportunity for good publicity and promotion. And stationery branding is one such way to promote your brand. Stationery branding is a small but important part of promoting a company and developing a positive brand image. Businesses are sticking to digital and social media marketing as a result of technological advancements and social media connectivity. This calls for an upgarde in your branding both in the physical and digital sense. Your stationery with your logo and brand name ensures that you get more exposure for a longer period of time.


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08. Marketing Materials

Marketing and advertising for small businesses can be difficult. Costs can also skyrocket in corporate marketing and advertising. To market your business effectively, you need to go where your customers are. If you’re in the B2C (business to consumer) space, it doesn’t make sense to advertise at a trade fair. Similarly, if you sell professional business products, you don’t want to hand out pamphlets or leaflets. So arriving at the right marketing material for your business crucial. Typical marketing materials that we end up designing include:


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